Saturday, September 4, 2010

sputnik; three months in orbit

Sam is now three months old; a quarter of a year! When you're eating and sleeping, time can really fly by.


Poor Sam, he's definitely the Second Child. This month I really began comparing him to Lydia and her Awesomeness of Sleeping Through The Night At TEN WEEKS OLD. She started one night at ten weeks and never looked back. Sleeps through hurricanes, that one.

Sam is a trickster and likes to mess with my mind. The ten week mark came. It went. Sam was still popping up promptly at 2:00 a.m. for that bleary-eyed feeding. I began to wonder if I'll find myself up at 2:00 a.m. until he goes off to college.


Into his 13th week he slept through the night in the sense that he didn't require a feeding. A bit of cuddling was needed but, hey! a step in the right direction. The next night, however, he decided cuddling just doesn't cut it and back to 2:00 a.m. we went.

A week later, Sam did his trick again, but only for a night. It was not until his 16th week he started sleeping consistently through the night, and that's only been eight or nine days in a row now, so let's not jinx this too much yet. Even now I wonder: will I get a full night's sleep tonight??


Another sibling difference is in the paci department. Lydia was (is) a paci kinda girl. We've whittled her down to naps and nighttime, but God help us when she was a bit younger and we found ourselves out and about and the Paci Cannot Be Found.

Sam is incredibly fond of his left thumb, a habit I'm trying vainly to break him of. It's one thing to wean him off a paci in a few years, but you can't tell him to put his thumb "night-night" when he wakes up in the morning. I will admit, though, it does help during the night. He can't lose his thumb like Lydia did her paci. I have found myself on my hands and knees in the dead of night many a time hunting for that little treasure, her piercing cries cutting through the dark.


His smiles have broken out in full force this month. He coos away at me in the morning while I do my multitude of things in the morning before we all haul off to our respective places. Sam seems to be a morning person like Lydia (you just can't help but compare the two all the time, it seems) and he prefers to be where the people are. That seems to suit Lydia just fine, who was positively thrilled when Sam had some tummy time on the floor with her.


The past few days the weather has decided to bless us with a slight decrease in humidity -- it's September and football is approaching. Sam is spiffed up in his Auburn finest and looking a bit like his Uncle Jason. It took me a while to be able to get his picture without his sister in the frame.


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